Admissions » Program Highlights

Program Highlights

Edison Regional Gifted Center is committed to serving its 275 gifted students, kindergarten through eighth grade, with a fully articulated, differentiated curriculum that is fast paced, enriched, and accelerated.
Each year the Office of Academic Enhancement selects students qualified for the kindergarten and other program vacancies, using test scores and Chicago's tier system. Students in grades K-4 receive all core subject instruction from their homeroom teacher. Students in grades 5-8 follow a traditional middle school schedule with different teachers providing instruction in each of the core content areas.
The laboratory approach is emphasized in the sciences, incorporating the scientific method at all grade levels, especially in environmental/earth studies, biological, and physical sciences.
In social studies, the K-4 students learn physical geography, basic economics and civics, with special focus on Chicago, Illinois, and the United States. Grades 5-8 begin with ancient civilizations and prehistory, and continue through the 20th Century (in 8th grade). 
A complete French language and fine arts program fulfills Edison's humanities curriculum.
Physical education and health are also critical to the instructional program with nutrition and sexual health education taught at all grade levels.